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Sajna Ali

In 2019, Councillor Sajna Ali was elected to represent the Northgate Ward
in Darlington with the highest vote share of any councillor who elected to
stand there. With this overwhelming confidence in her compassion and
dedication for her local area, she now looks forward to creating
opportunities, safer streets and a community where everyone feels valued
& cared about.


Councillor Ali is not a newcomer to the social improvement and community
care scheme. Born and bred in Darlington, her work for the people of the
town started early. At the age of 14 Sajna noticed that without a place to
be, young people like her were left with nowhere to go. She petitioned the

council & other local bodies to help her open a youth centre.

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Throughout her life she has organised International Days, had a strong voice on the Sure Start Parenting Committee and worked as the BAME officer for Darlington, tackling racial tensions and bringing people together. This culminated in her helping to create events Celebrating Communities, an organisation which builds bridges through community events, including shared meals, theatre entertainment and a fashion show. This show, organised by Sajna and hosted by the Majestic Theatre saw students from Darlington College that were members of various cultural & LGBT+ backgrounds model local boutique costumes which celebrated local organisations such as our NHS, police, fire service and other community groups.


She also was one of the founding members of DAR, an organisation that helped some of the most vulnerable people from war torn areas learn to live & love Darlington as much as she does. Integration is one of Councillor Ali’s passions. No one in Darlington should feel excluded, marginalised or forgotten about. “This is,” As she says “A town for everyone. Hope, not hate, makes one human race.”


In addition to being a mother and overcoming numerous health issues in her life, she enjoys keeping active and according to popular rumour, cooks the finest chicken pakora in County Durham.

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