The DFC Foundation is celebrating another milestone this week. Since launching our first project 'Think With Your Feet' in June 2022, we have grown in our capacity and in our projects across the community of Darlington. This week saw over 100 people access our projects in the same week for the first time, an achievement we are proud of.
Our weekly projects currently are Weight Goals, Think With Your Feet, Women's Recreational Football, Refugee Football, Youth Football and the Matchday Experience. Alongside this, we run Holiday Camps, after-school clubs and lead assemblies when requested.
We run our projects on less than the equivalent of 1 Full Time Member of staff with our manager and assistant being employed part-time and utilising an amazing sessional team of coaches, of who, the Foundation is extremely proud.
We are now in a position where we need some further support to get to the next stage of our growth. We have some funding from the National League Trust which we are extremely grateful for and some of our projects are funded such as TWYF (Happiness Hubs) and Youth Football (Durham PCC) but there is much more we want to do.
Could you consider becoming a Friend of the Foundation? Could you sign up to give £10 a month to the Foundation? If 100 people did this, we would gain an extra £12000 (plus Gift Aid) in order to continue this amazing work. If you would be able to do this (or perhaps even more than £10 or you could give a one-off donation) then please email our manager to find out how.
